The Swiss financial services act (FinSA) Art.77 of the FinSA bill requires the client adviser and if employed by a financial services provider the company to be approved and affiliated to a Swiss financial Ombudsman.
The recently introduced FinSA (Federal Act on Financial Services) foresees a new mechanism for the settlement of disputes between customers and financial service providers. Such disputes should be settled by an ombudsman’s office, if possible within the framework of a conciliation procedure or mediation (art.74 FinSA). In line with this, financial service providers must affiliate to an ombudsman’s office (art.77 FinSA) and inform their clients of the possibility of initiating mediation proceedings before a recognised ombudsman office (art.79 FinSA).
The proceedings before the ombudsman are initiated by a mediation request. The proceedings shall follow the principles of mediation and be straightforward, fair, quick, impartial and inexpensive or free of charge for the client.
Alpha Global Wealth SA can be viewed as an approved and affiliated member of the Swiss Ombudsman directly on the website.